Teaching Ideas

English Curriculum and ‘The Spherical Cow’…

I do a lot of curriculum work. For quite a while now I’ve been trying to articulate something for myself with little success. This blog post has been invariably a Twitter post, a very long thread, and then a collection of notes sitting in my drafts folder for aaages. Anyway, I met a lady last …

English Curriculum and ‘The Spherical Cow’… Read More »

Why we need to warm up ‘cold call’

This is a guest blog written by Emily Pringle. Emily has been a History teacher for 12 years working in Lincolnshire. She has three children and works 0.8, and is a Regional Representative for the Maternity Teacher Paternity Teacher Project. She is passionate about effective CPD for teachers: helping to support CPD within her school …

Why we need to warm up ‘cold call’ Read More »